November 2019
President's Report

- The devastating bush fires recently have left many families with nothing. Local Charity “Hope for the Homeless” have organised a collection and distribution point in Coffs Harbour for food/clothing etc.
- Several members of Coffs Harbour Men’s Shed have volunteered their services to help with the sorting and packing of the huge number of donated items. Well done Wazza, Shawn, Paul, Andrew, Bruce and David.

- The Coffs Harbour Men’s Shed AGM will be held on 11th December commencing at 10:00am at the shed. Please show your support for the shed and attend the AGM. Notification of the AGM will be sent out shortly and will include nomination forms for all positions on the committee. If you are interested in representing the members on the Management Committee, please nominate for one of the positions.
- The shed’s Christmas Party will be held on 12th December commencing at 3:00pm with ten pin bowling followed by a dinner at the Coffs Hotel. If you are attending, you will need to contact the office to register your name. Partners are encouraged to attend also. It is important we know numbers for catering.
- The fabulous rocking horse which has been restored by Tony and Glenn is currently being raffled with the winner being drawn at the AGM. There are plenty of tickets for sale and we are asking all members to take a book of tickets to sell. All proceeds will be used to upgrade facilities and equipment in the shed.

- Our shed has recently received two significant amounts of funding and we are now in a position to go ahead with laying the carpet in the meeting/recreation room area of the mezzanine. Also the installation of the ducted dust extraction system will go ahead ASAP. It will provide an extraction point at each machine with the collector and motor outside of the building. This is a major project and will benefit the members with a low dust workshop area.
- Baz and Glenn combined to manufacture this fabulous outdoor setting as a commission job. Well done Baz and Glenn. Another high quality piece of work.

Shed Manager's Report
- With an Invite to the local Cadets Annual Parade on the 2nd Dec at 18:30 pm. Details in the office.
- Will be the overwinter project in conjunction with the Coffs Council, first off is the Steam Roller Printing in the Underground Car park opposite the C.Ex Club, Sat 30 Nov 8:30 am. Details to follow on the notice board.
- Official Opening of the Overwinter Project at the Coffs Regional Gallery at 6:00 pm. We are invited to attend.
- We are invited to attend the Overwinter project "Flock" at Sawtell, we have made over 100 birds to be distributed to local kids to paint and be displayed on the beach. Details to follow of when & where.
AGM - Wednesday, December 11 at 10:00 am
Xmas Party - Thursday 12 December
Presentation to Coffs Harbour Men’s Shed

Left to right: Paul McAra, Ken Ryan and Warren Skinner
Warren Skinner (Skinner Motors/Coffs Toyota/Pier Hotel), Paul McAra (President), Lyn Whalen (Secretary) and Peter Richardson (Treasurer) of Coffs Harbour Rotary Club run a Calcutta sweep on the Coffs Harbour Cup each year and this year was the biggest Calcutta to date. A percentage is retained and distributed to Not-For-Profit organisations in the Coffs Harbour area. The contribution this year from both these organisations has been huge and $15,000 has been donated to the Coffs Harbour Community Men’s Shed and our appreciation and thanks to these guys goes beyond words.
The money received will be put to good use in the shed with 2 major projects we are planning to complete to make the shed safer and more accessible to our membership.
Project 1 is a centralised dust extractor connected to all our machines designed to reduce the dust in the shed to a minimum, and facilitating easy dust and chip collection.
Project 2 is upgrading the Mezzanine storage area, enabling us to apply for a change of use from storage to public access type rooms.
Both are very expensive undertakings that will better the environment in the shed, making it healthier and a pleasure to make use of our facilities.
The Calcutta Presentation was attended by 17 members of the shed along with a number Rotary Members with Warren and Paul making the presentation to Ken Ryan, our current President.
Commission job from bunnings

Cancer Council Shed Visit

Article submitted by Ken Howe
At 10.00am on Thursday 7th November 2019, Louise Jeffs from the Cancer Council visited the Shed where she made a presentation about Bowel Cancer to 20 or so Men’s Shed members. Her address, which was supported by illustrations, was most informative. The various aspects of Bowel Cancer including family history, diet including alcohol, exercise, were all explained very clearly.
She emphasised, that if detected early enough 90% 0f Bowel Cancer can be cured, even though it is the third most common cancer in the world, after lung and breast cancer. Louise referred to the Bowel Scan Kit given out for free by the Federal Government every second year.
The recipients of these kits are aged between 50 and 74 and this is the most common age that bowel cancer can strike. The fact that there is only 40% compliance (that is recipients returning kits for pathology testing) by the people receiving these kits is concerning and should be much higher. The home self test kit is easy to use. The fact that, in most cases, at its early stage bowel cancer shows no symptoms, is more reason to do the simple test in the privacy of your own toilet.
Louise handed out a flyer imploring everybody to do the Home Test .
In winding up Louise challenged everybody to ask at least 5 people if they had done the test and to talk about Bowel Cancer.

Supporters of the Coffs Harbour Men's Shed
The Coffs Harbour Community Men's Shed wishes to thank all our supporters, both large and small, for their ongoing support and generous donations of time and money.