December 2021 Newsletter

President's Report

Here it comes again. “Christmas”

When I was young it seemed to take a lifetime to arrive. At my current age it seems to come 4 times a year.

From now on everyone who wants something done, will need it by Christmas. Even though they have had 11 months to get organised! “Oh gosh we need this in 30 days.”

This is a scenario everyone in business has experienced. One year, we virtually walked out the back door of holiday units, as the first guests walked in the front door.

You would think as a volunteer organisation these events would not occur. Where is the problem? Not a problem at all. As volunteers we are prepared to go that little bit further.
We have learnt over the years that giving is not drudgery, but an absolute pleasure.
To see a smile on someone’s face when they realise you have taken that little extra step to help them.

I did a small job at the shed the other day. I enjoyed doing it. When the owner came to pick it up, I was so moved. He was choked up with emotions. His thanks to me were more than I ever expected, and more valuable than money.

Please take time to sit back and reflect on our shed. Not what you get from it. But what you can achieve by giving your time and skills. Giving your time and skills to help someone, someone who may not have the necessary financial support or ability to approach business for help.

The Government, Federal, State and Local along with businesses and local people understand the importance of our Shed.

My aim as President is to have all members doing the best job they can. I don’t care if you have 10 goes at something. If after a week, you come to me and say. “This was my first attempt. This is my 8th. What do you think?

I wish to thank all members for the support they have given to me over this year.
Although Ken Ryan has not said as much, I think he would like a President with the computer skills of a 5 year old. Not a 76 year old. Thank you, Ken.

I take this opportunity to wish all our members a “Very Happy and Safe Christmas”
May your families be blessed with love and a hope for the greatest new year anyone could have.

General News


All work require to obtain our Occupancy Certificate has now been completed. It has taken some time and effort to round up all the sign off certificates required from plumbers, electricians etc. However, thanks to Dave's persistence they are all with the authorities and we are just waiting on the final tick of approval. We will now have rooms for members and the community to use!

The Shedmen      


Yes, our muso membership keeps growing and now we have twelve regular mad musicians. Our most recent additions have been Warren Glover who plays pedal steel guitar, guitar, banjo, trumpet, harmonica as well as knocking out a song or two, also George Gordon who also sings, plays guitar, banjo and other
instruments I am sure we have not heard as yet and then there is Derek Bruce who is a fiddle, guitar, mandolin player and sings as well. So we have a good assortment of talented musicians. 

It is always good to have members come up to our jamming sessions on Tuesdays and Fridays to just sit in and enjoy the entertainment. We appreciate your involvement and the support that this gives us.

Remember if you or someone you know would like to be part of a band and sing a song just come up and have a go. We are there to support all and have fun at the same time. You will be surprised how good musicians can make you sound great.

Our group recently received a grant from the Park Beach Bowling Club of $2,500.00 and with the Shed allocating a further $1,500.00 we were able to complete our purchase of an electric drum set and fold back speakers. The boys are over the moon and a big thank you to everyone. 

At great expense to the organisers, The Shedmen have been booked to provide entertainment at our Christmas party on the 16th December so hope to see you all there.

Warren Sanger

Jobs, Jobs and more Jobs

Commission jobs have for a long time been the major fund raising activity at the Shed.

Tom and his team undertake the bulk of this work. Help is always gratefully accepted.  The standard of work must be suitable for these paid jobs. If you would like to help even with some of the preparation work please approach Tom. Stripping, sanding and dismantling jobs takes valuable time away from our skilled members. Some of the latest jobs are displayed below.


Adrian is re-veneering the damaged surfaces of this cabinet. He is staining the veneer to match the existing areas. At this stage he has finished the top level.

Mick Makley is seen here fabricating a metal frame for a client.

This job required extensive repairs which our guru Tom tackled with gusto.

Another one of Tom's brilliant refurbishments for a client.

Another quality refurbishment for a client!

One of many of Alan Larkin's creations, which he generously donates to the Shed. It will become part of our fund raising, included in the Easter Raffle.

Peter Jackson and his helpers repair donated mowers for sale in the garage sale. This one required extensive work done to its brake system.

Jacko's helpers! Ron and Chris

Member's Projects

Andrew Ryan is a model master, this is the latest project

Chris is making a desk, he will be in the good books!

Arlan Ilon is one of the carers who supports disabled members. Below he is pictured with Brett McAnally and below that a finished outdoor seat he helped Daniel Jeffco produce.

When he is not helping with commissioned jobs, Graham loves to use his creative flair to find ways to recycle items into works of art which he donates to the Shed for sale in the shop. Below he is working on one of his latest creations. Graham is another regular who isn't afraid to give anything a go to help out.

Garage Sales

Doug and his team have been working hard in receiving donated items, evaluating, preparing items for sale, pricing and running the first Saturday of the month garage sales. 

These sale days have become our other major fund raiser at the Shed.

Members are stepping up, to help at the Friday setup before the sale, in increasing numbers. The sale day also has seen up to 20 members coming along to help and have a chance to mingle and get to know other shed members.

A big thank you to Doug and his helpers in organising and running this important function. The Shed will be putting on a BBQ and refreshments on the Friday and Saturday as a thank you to members.

And a special mention for Brian Franklin who tests and tags all the electrical equipment so that we are able to sell it. Brian is a long term member and committee member who also takes care of all our electrical needs. Without his commitment to the Shed we would be in a very different situation.

Member Profile: Don Langley

Welcome Don!

Don was born in Portland, Victoria. He started a carpentry apprenticeship in his father’s construction business in 1952.

When Don’s father retired he took over the reigns until a slump in the economy forced Don to seek out other opportunities. Don was offered a managerial position in a local architecture firm because of his practical knowledge and skills.

Don and Isabel eventually decided Melbourne would offer their kids better opportunities so they moved to the suburb of Gisborne.

Don then decided to establish his own Design and Construction business which he ran for 25 years before he retired to Indented Head, Victoria.

His kids by this time had moved to Coffs Harbour, so Don and Isabel in 2008 decided to relocate to be closer to them. They moved into a retirement village. Don was keen to use his skills, so along with other men, he tried to set up a men’s shed at the village but after pressure from female residents wanting to join etc, they gave up.

Don continued to work in his garage but was forced to shut down because of noise complaints. He then moved his machinery to his son’s property but alas his son eventually sold leaving Don lost for a work space.

Isabel’s health declined, placing greater demands on an ageing Don. In need of respite, Don’s daughter suggested that he join the Men’s Shed. Don credits the Men’s Shed with ‘saving him’. He thoroughly enjoys his time at the Shed.

I first met Don, when I stopped to admire the Harp he was restoring for his daughter. He explained that he had made 5! Starting with a kit, he then constructed 4 more from scratch. The last was made for a harpist who had admired the timbre, saying ‘it had the best sound of any instrument he had played’. Don set about making one for him, when the harpist came to pick up the finished harp, he put it in his boot and left without offering any payment!

I was by this stage intrigued by this unassuming artisan. So I asked Don would he mind being interviewed for the newsletter. I was blown away by what he revealed! Don has the originals of the scanned articles above (double click to view). He made all these models which are now displayed in museums as the articles explain. Don would be only to happy to talk to you about them.

Notice Board


Thursday 16 December 2021 at 10.00 am.

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Coffs Harbour Community Men's Shed 
will be held at Coffs Men’s Shed premises, 138a Howard Street, Coffs Harbour on 16 December 2021 at 10:00 am

The agenda for the meeting is as follows: –

1. Apologies
2. Acceptance of minutes from last AGM 11 December 2020
3. Presidents Report.
4. Treasurers Report and Financial Statement.
5. Election of office bearers and ordinary management committee members.
6. General Business
a. Special Resolution (please read below)

Our organisation was recently endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) under the DGR category for community sheds. To meet the open membership requirements, we must have a policy and process in place that clearly demonstrates ALL new members are approved. 

We need to remove all nomination and approval rules; or add a clause to state that despite that nomination and approval clauses contained in the governing rules, all new applications will be approved. 

Hence the Special Resolution, emailed and available from the Office, is up for consideration at the AGM. If this is passed at the AGM, we then need to send the amended constitution and meeting minutes to: and contact Fair Trading.

2022 Committee Positions

Nomination Process:

1. must be in writing, preferably on a nomination form
2. signed by two members and
3. accompanied by the signature of the candidate and
4. must be delivered to the secretary at the Shed at least seven days before the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting.

Member Orientation And Induction

The application process for membership to the Shed has developed over time to reflect changes in our legal responsibilities for insurance and accreditation with the Australian Men’s Shed Association.
The process currently includes the following:

• Conditions of Participation
• Site Induction
• General Safe Work Procedures
• Fire and Evacuation Procedures
• “Golden Rules” as posted on the tea room wall

New members are asked to sign a form confirming they have undertaken the above process. This form is filed in that member’s folder in the Office.

If there are any existing members who feel they could benefit from an update in any of these areas, feel free to book a refresher through the Office.

Competency to use equipment

As discussed in the last newsletter all members MUST be signed off to use equipment in the Shed. It is a legal requirement for insurance and accreditation that we keep an up to date register for ALL members.

The following process has been developed to meet our responsibilities. All members have a Competency Form kept in their individual file. This form aims to record that each member has been instructed, and has displayed competency, in the safe operation and use of the equipment.

New members are inducted in the following basic equipment: the bandsaw, drill press, drop saw and disc sander/linisher. The assessor’s name and the date are recorded against each item of equipment.

There are a further 30 items listed on the form and all members are required to display competency in the safe operation and use of each of these before they can legally operate them.

N.B. When new pieces of equipment are purchased, members are required to undergo this process for this new machine before they can legally operate it.

If you wish to update your competency form for an item of equipment, you need to book a time with an assessor through the Office.

Job Sheets

The compulsory use of Job Sheets was implemented a couple of years ago to allow the Shed managers to keep track of what is happening in the Shed. The need for this is fairly obvious but it has caused some angst for some members.

Existing members often need to be reminded because they genuinely forget at the start of a job.

The following procedure is mandatory before any work is commenced regardless of whether it is your own materials or not.

• Obtain a job sheet from the Office
• Complete with a brief (plan), materials being used or required and consumables to be used.
• Return to the Office for costing and filing.
• On completion, front up to the Office and pay.

N.B. All jobs have a minimum $10 fee. Why? We have one of the best Men’s Sheds in Australia. It has been calculated that it costs $200 a day to maintain the quality and functionality of our facilities, this includes paying for insurances, Government fees, maintenance and replacement of plant and equipment and the purchase of consumables, as well as new plant and equipment.

The Shed therefore has to make money to keep the doors open. Thanks to the efforts of members, garage sales and client jobs are our main sources of income.

We do actively seek donations and grants from the government and the community; these are usually tied to specific projects, such as the construction and fit out of the mezzanine.

Donations of timber etc are also sold to members if surplus to the Shed’s needs at approximately 50% of the purchase cost from a retail store.

Kitchen Area

This area has been set up for the convenience and use of members. We do not have the funds to employ cleaners to clean up after members. The burden therefore falls on the generosity of a few who pitch in when the area is “growing”.

Your help in keeping this area habitable would be greatly appreciated.

The donation box next to the ‘sign on’ sheet is for your contribution towards the supply of tea, coffee, milk, sugar, etc.

A donation of $2 per person per visit is really not much to ask for the convenience.

Again thanks to those who organize these supplies and keep the urn filled and functional.

Toilet areas

These areas are for use by members. They include 2 toilets, wash basins and a shower.
Our aim is to keep these areas habitable, so your aim is appreciated!

Again thanks to the generosity of members, the floors are regularly mopped, the toilet bowls cleaned, and the stocks of toilet paper, soap, paper towels etc are maintained for members’ convenience.

Help Wanted

Having said all that, I am sure you can see that there is a need to have members pitch in. These are just a few of the areas that need constant attention to keep our Shed running smoothly. 

If you have the inkling to get involved in the day to day running of the Shed, your help would be greatly appreciated. 

Besides cleaning, there are numerous jobs that need doing around the shed including cleaning and maintenance of the plant and equipment, organization and storage of materials, management of consumables etc, etc, etc.

Interest groups

Beside jobs, there is also a need to look at other interest areas for members. Not everybody is a skilled trades person or wants to build things. Our charter is to foster men’s health and well being. A large part of that is getting together with shared interests.

The mezzanine level will have its occupation certificate any day now, so we will have rooms available for interest groups to use. A very popular addition to date has been the music group.

If you are keen to set up and run an interest group for members, please come forward and let the Office know so it can be forwarded to the committee for consideration. 

These activities could include such things as painting, jewelry making, photography, electronics, computers, cards, mahjong, pool comps etc.

Use of equipment

Since I’m on a roll, there is a need to remind some members that this isn’t their garage.

The simple rule for the Shed is to leave the equipment and work space as you would like to find it.

What does that mean?

• Every piece of equipment has a home (if you don’t know ask around)
• Ensure the equipment is left on its default settings (no surprises for the next person)
• Clean up after yourself including the bench and the floor
• Report any problems with the equipment to the Office (so it can be fixed or replaced, it’s not about blaming or shaming)
• If you are not sure or can’t remember how to use equipment; (ask around)

Be Covid Safe


The Government keeps updating the rules around COVID. We are bound by these rules and can be spot checked at any time to ensure we are following them.

The latest development is that members are only allowed to attend if they are double vaccinated. It is up to you as an individual to provide proof if you wish to enter the Shed.

Signing in and general hygiene including hand washing and wiping surfaces are still required. Social distancing rules have been relaxed as per government requirements.

Remember, it's your health Also that is at risk.

Handy Hints

The many uses of WD-40

Keep Dead Bugs off Your Car Grille
It’s bad enough that your car grille and hood get splattered with bugs every time you drive down the interstate, but do they have to be so darn tough to scrape off? The answer is no. Just spray some WD-40 on the grille and hood before going for a drive and most of the critters will slide right off. The few bugs left will be easy to wipe off later without damaging your car’s finish.

Renew Faded Plastic Furniture
Bring color and shine back to faded plastic patio furniture. Simply spray WD-40 directly on the surface and wipe with a clean, dry cloth. You’ll be surprised at the results. Works on most plastic and rubber items.

Remove ‘Paint Rub’ From another Car
Picture this: you return to your parked car to find that while you were gone, another vehicle got a bit too close for comfort. Luckily there’s no dent, but now your car has a blotch of “paint rub” from the other car on it. To remove paint-rub stains on your car and restore its original finish, spray the affected area with WD-40, wait a few seconds, then wipe with a clean rag.

Clean Carpet Stains
Don’t let ink or other stains ruin your fine carpet or clothes. Spray the stain with WD-40, wait a minute or two, and then use your regular carpet cleaner or gently cleanse with a sponge and warm, soapy water. Continue until the stain is completely gone.

Keep Wooden Tool Handles Splinter Free
No tools can last forever, but you can prolong the life of your wood-handled tools if you keep them from splintering. Just rub a generous amount of WD-40 into the wood. It shields the wood from moisture and other corrosive elements and keeps it smooth and splinter-free for the life of the tool.

Keep Wasps from Building Nests 
Don’t let wasps and spiders ruin your spring and summer fun. Their favorite place to build nests and webs is under eaves, so next Spring, mist some WD-40 under all the eaves of your house. It will block them from building there.

Waterproof Shoes and Boots
If it’s wet outside, give the tops and sides of your shoes or boots a coat of WD-40 before you head out the door. WD-40 acts as a barrier so moisture can’t seep into your shoes and get your socks wet.

Remove Chewing Gum
Forget peanut butter. Next time your child gets bubble gum stuck in their hair, spray it with some WD-40, then comb it out and rinse thoroughly.

Get Rid of Super Glue Fingers
Next time you’re working on a project and accidentally get some super glue stuck to your fingers, just spray the area with WD-40. The sticky glue will come off when you rub your hands together.

Remove Floor Scuff Marks
If mopping doesn’t remove scuff marks from the floor, try spraying some WD-40 on the marks and then wipe them away. The lubricant shouldn’t harm the floor, but test in an inconspicuous place if you’re concerned.

Get Rid of Sticker Residue
Remove the residue left behind by stickers, tape and labels. Just spray with WD-40, wait about a minute then wipe the residue away with a cloth.

Clean Oil Spots
If there’s an ugly oil spot on your garage floor or the driveway, give the spot a good coat with WD-40 then hose it down. The spot should disappear once the water dries.

Kill Weeds
Some gardeners will tell you WD-40 works great as a weed killer. Try using it on thistle. It should wither and die, allowing you to then pull it out, root and all, so it doesn’t return to your yard.

Clean the Toilet
Remove lime stains from the toilet bowl etc by spraying in some WD-40. Then just scrub with a toilet brush and flush.

Remove Hair Dye Stains
If you colour your hair at home and some of the dye stains your towel, spray some WD-40 on the stain and rub it in. Then toss the towel in the washer and run on a hot cycle.

Remove Crayon and Marker from Walls
Oops, your kids coloured the wall. No problem! Spray some WD-40 on the wall, then wipe off the crayon or marker with a clean rag. If you have wallpaper, do a quick test first.

Remove Paint from Leather
If you’re painting and a drop or two of paint lands on your leather couch, spray the spot with WD-40 and wipe with a clean rag. The paint will come right off.

Remove Grease
Instead of leaving grease all over the bathroom sink. Spray your hands with WD-40 as soon as you’re finished working on your car. Rub them together, then wipe with a paper towel and follow with some soap and water.

Committee 2021


President: Tom Skinner
Vice President: Ken Ryan
Secretary: Tony Winter
Treasurer: Garth Howard
Assistant Secretary: Warren Sanger
Assistant Treasurer: Ken Ryan


David Churchyard
Robert Houston
Peter Jackson
Ken Howe
Glenn Cox
Brian Franklin


Shed Managers & Office Administration:

Robert Houston
David Churchyard

Health & Welfare Officers:

David Churchyard
Ken Howe

Woodwork Shop:

Tom Skinner

Metalwork / Engineering:

Peter Jackson

 Website / Newsletter

Tony Winter

Supporters of the Coffs Harbour Men's Shed

The Coffs Harbour Community Men's Shed wishes to thank all our supporters, both large and small,
for their ongoing support and generous donations of time and money. 


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